Assim, este grupo de entusiastas da banda desenhada e ilustração que integra tanto autores profissionais e estreantes, mais fãs devotos e leitores casuais, constituiu-se em Março passado e foi apresentado oficialmente à comunidade de BD no XV FIBDB, onde também lançámos o nosso primeiro fanzine antológico, Outras Bandas #0.
Fora a vontade de colaborarmos em publicações e exposições, o Tágide vive principalmente dos dois encontros mensais que acontecem sempre à 2ª e 4ª sextas-feiras de cada mês, na sala multiusos que nos foi cedida, na Quinta do Pátio d'Água (Montijo).
Podem conhecer as nossas actividades e autores no blogue TágideBD, e estão convidados a aparecer!
Following my Initiation to Sequential Art courses, in 2018 in Montijo's municipality, some of the alumni encouraged us to continue to meet occasionally so as to share new works and readings. Eventually, we decided that these meetings should be organized into an informal group, which we named Tágide, a creature from local lore, that inhabits the Tagus shores just like our hometown does.
Thus, this group of comics and illustration enthusiasts, which includes both professional and newcomer authors, as well as devoted fans and casual readers, was formed last March and was recently officially presented to the portuguese comics community at the XV FIBDB, where we also released our first anthological fanzine, Outras Bandas #0.
Apart from the desire to collaborate in publications and exhibitions, the Tágide group lives mainly from the two monthly meetings that always take place on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month, in the multipurpose hall that has been given to us at Quinta do Pátio d'Água (Montijo).
You can get to know our activities and authors in the TágideBD blog, and you're invited to come by!
Thus, this group of comics and illustration enthusiasts, which includes both professional and newcomer authors, as well as devoted fans and casual readers, was formed last March and was recently officially presented to the portuguese comics community at the XV FIBDB, where we also released our first anthological fanzine, Outras Bandas #0.
Apart from the desire to collaborate in publications and exhibitions, the Tágide group lives mainly from the two monthly meetings that always take place on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month, in the multipurpose hall that has been given to us at Quinta do Pátio d'Água (Montijo).
You can get to know our activities and authors in the TágideBD blog, and you're invited to come by!
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