Estes azulejos são painéis devocionais, geralmente de pequena dimensão, com representação de Cristo, da Virgem, de santos e santas, assim como de alegorias eucarísticas e elementos religiosos, realizados entre o séc. XVII e a actualidade, aplicadas nas fachadas de casas, fontes, palácios e templos etc, tendo-se tornado num dos aspectos mais característicos da cenografia urbana lisboeta, em especial após o terramoto de 1755. Fruto da religiosidade pública e privada, visavam invocar a protecção do lar ou das instituições onde eram dispostos, bem como tinham uma função catequética, que se alinhava com a expressão de fé e devoção patente em todas as classes sociais.
O baralho de cartas Registo de Santos em Azulejos de Lisboa é o 10º produzido pela editora, que desde 2000 vem a funcionar paralelamente como fabricante deste meio de divulgação cultural. O baralho reproduz 56 artes intemporais lisboetas e está disponível na Apenas Livros e em breve nas lojas do Museu de Lisboa.
de Santos em Azulejos de Lisboa
Fernanda Frazão
Fotografias: Fernando Peixoto Lopes e Margarida Almeida Bastos
Susana Resende
Cartolina Mate 305gr (6,3'x8,8'/formato poker)
1ª Edição:
Setembro 2020 | PVP. 16€
month, I created another design for an illustrated deck of playing
cards from Apenas Livros. The item, Registos
de Santos em Azulejos de Lisboa/Records
of Saints in Lisbon Tiles, is another deck from the Heritage
collection of the publisher and was made based on photographs
provided by Lisbon Museum/EGEAC, which were included in the book
Devotion and Faith, by Fernando Peixoto Lopes and Margarida
Almeida Bastos, from 2019, who in turn immortalized half a thousand
tile panels from the capital, most of which, however, have been
greatly damaged or disappeared altogether.
tiles are devotional panels, usually small in size, with
representation of Christ, the Virgin and saints, as well as
eucharistic allegories and religious elements, carried out between
the XVII century and present day, applied to the facades of houses,
fountains, palaces and temples etc, having become one of the most
characteristic aspects of Lisbon's urban scenography, especially
after the 1755 earthquake. Derived from public or private
religiosity, they called for protection of the home or institutions
where they were placed, as well as having a catechetical function,
which was in line with the expression of faith and devotion evident
in all social classes.
TheRecords of Saints in Lisbon Tiles deck of playing cards is the 10th
produced by the publisher, which since 2000 has also been operating
as a manufacturer of this means of cultural promotion. The deck
reproduces 56 timeless Lisbon arts and is available at Apenas Livros
and soon in Lisbon Museum stores.
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