Sem ter oportunidade para fazer o devido destaque na
sequência do evento, decidi que “antes tarde do que nunca” e eis
que partilho a minha participação no XIII FIBDB/Festival Internacional de BD de Beja, que teve lugar de 26/5 a 11/6.
Antes de mais, quero agradecer a amizade e imenso apoio
do director/autor Paulo Monteiro e toda a sua equipe, bem como à
Câmara Municipal de Beja, pelo convite para figurar no cartaz do
evento e para partilhar os meus trabalhos com os visitantes.
Além da exposição colectiva Daniel Maia & Susana Resende, patente na Galeria dos Escudeiros, no centro histórico da
cidade, que expôs trabalhos alusivos aos projectos O Infante Portugal e Aurora Boreal, criados por José de Matos-Cruz, pude
também apresentar a novidade Aurora Boreal e O Instinto Supremo
(Apenas Livros) e a antevisão d'O Infante Portugal em Universos Reunidos (Kafre-Arga Warga), sendo estas as personagens a dominar a
sessão de autógrafos que eu e o Daniel Maia realizámos no largo do
Museu Regional.
Para mais informação sobre as edições, podem ler o
texto introdutório assinado por Matos-Cruz no Splaft! #13 (Bedeteca
de Beja), que foi ilustrado por um desenho meu.
Complementando as duas apresentações, no auditório do
Teatro Pax Julia, participei ainda na conversa Um Olhar sob a BD
Portuguesa, moderada por Bruno Caetano, com os autores Daniel Maia,
Jorge Coelho e Ricardo Venâncio.
Without the opportunity to upload a
spotlight in the wake of the event, I figured that it's "better
late than never" and so I'm sharing here my participation in the
XIII FIBDB/Beja International Comics Festival, that took place from
26/5 to 11/6.
First of all, I want to thank director/authorPaulo Monteiro for his friendship and immense support, and also all of his team, as well as Beja's City Hall, for the invitation to feature in the events' lineup, granting me the chance to share my artwork with the visitors.
In addition to the collective exhibit Daniel Maia & Susana Resende, held at Galeria dos Escudeiros, in the city's historic center, which featured works related to The Infante Portugal and Aurora Boreal projects, created by José de Matos-Cruz, I also presented the new release Aurora Boreal and The Supreme Instinct (Apenas Livros) and preview of The Infante Portugal in Gathered Universes (Kafre-Arga Warga), these being the characters that dominated the autographs session that I and Daniel Maia carried out in the Regional Museum public square.
For more information about the issues, read the introductory text penned by Matos-Cruz in Splaft! #13 (Bedeteca de Beja), which was illustrated by a drawing of mine.
Complementing those two presentations, in the auditorium of Theater Pax Julia, I also participated in the discussion panel A Look into Portuguese Comics, moderated by Bruno Caetano, alongside authors Daniel Maia, Jorge Coelho and Ricardo Venâncio.
First of all, I want to thank director/authorPaulo Monteiro for his friendship and immense support, and also all of his team, as well as Beja's City Hall, for the invitation to feature in the events' lineup, granting me the chance to share my artwork with the visitors.
In addition to the collective exhibit Daniel Maia & Susana Resende, held at Galeria dos Escudeiros, in the city's historic center, which featured works related to The Infante Portugal and Aurora Boreal projects, created by José de Matos-Cruz, I also presented the new release Aurora Boreal and The Supreme Instinct (Apenas Livros) and preview of The Infante Portugal in Gathered Universes (Kafre-Arga Warga), these being the characters that dominated the autographs session that I and Daniel Maia carried out in the Regional Museum public square.
For more information about the issues, read the introductory text penned by Matos-Cruz in Splaft! #13 (Bedeteca de Beja), which was illustrated by a drawing of mine.
Complementing those two presentations, in the auditorium of Theater Pax Julia, I also participated in the discussion panel A Look into Portuguese Comics, moderated by Bruno Caetano, alongside authors Daniel Maia, Jorge Coelho and Ricardo Venâncio.
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