Bom Ano Novo! Antes de retomar updates regulares do blog
(tanto quanto possível), pensei em fazer um rescaldo das investidas
artísticas e profissionais que me ocuparam em 2017, que irei
destacar com mais detalhe nos próximos dias.
Embora tenha começado o ano empolgada, infelizmente,
por motivos pessoais, só no segundo trimestre pude retomar
actividade. O retorno ao trabalho foi motivado, em grande parte, pelo
convite do XIII Festival Internacional de BD de Beja para integrar a
programação, com a mostra colectiva Daniel Maia & Susana Resende, na Galeria dos Escudeiros, e participação em palestras e
sessão de autógrafos, culminando com o lançamento da série Aurora Boreal (Apenas Livros), por José de Matos-Cruz. De seguida, integrei
a colectiva Quadradinhos Portugueses: Olhares & Estilos, na
Cidadela Art District, a que se seguiu a presença no 28º Amadora BD, com as apresentações de Aurora Boreal #1 e da adaptação para
banda desenhada d'O Infante Portugal, e respectivas sessões de
autógrafos. E a concluir a temporada de eventos, colaborei na feira
mix Dona Edite #5, no Montijo, e co-realizei a masterclass Verve Digital, na Biblioteca Municipal de S. Domingos de Rana.
Na recta final do ano, publiquei ainda o primeiro livro
de prosa que ilustrei a solo, por Américo Dimas Netto, Contos de Sabedoria / Misoso ia Kuijia, que foi apresentado na Galeria
Municipal do Montijo, onde estiveram expostos os desenhos originais.
Pela mesma altura, concluí também o primeiro livro infanto-juvenil
que ilustrei, mas isso é história para outra altura...
Novas epopeias criativas avizinham-se já em Janeiro,
como o 2º módulo do Curso de BD Bordalo Pinheiro, que fui convidada
a orientar pelo coordenador Penim Loureiro e director Dr. João Botelho,
mais o lançamento de uma produção autoral para a editora Apenas
Para mais novidades sobre estas e outras criações em
vista, sigam-me aqui ou nas redes sociais Facebook e Instagram.
Happy New Year! Before resuming regular blog updates (as
much as possible), I thought about making a summary of the artistic
and professional endeavors that kept me occupied in 2017, which I
will highlight further in the coming days.
Although I started the year thrilled,
unfortunately, due to personal reasons, only in the second quarter
did I resume activity. The return to work was motivated in large part
by the invitation of the XIII Beja's International Comics Festival to
integrate its program, with the collective exhibit Daniel Maia & Susana Resende, at Gallery of Escudeiros, and participation in
presentations and autograph sessions, culminating with the launch of
the series Aurora Boreal (Apenas Livros), by José de Matos-Cruz.
Afterwards, I joined the collective exhibit Quadradinhos Portugueses: Olhares & Estilos / Portuguese Panels: Visions & Styles, in
the Citadel Art District, followed by the presence at the 28th Amadora BD, with the presentations of Aurora Boreal #1 and the
adaptation into comics of The Infante Portugal, and their respective
autograph sessions. And, wrapping up the events season, I also
collaborated in Dona Edite #5, in Montijo, and coordinated the
masterclass Verve Digital, in S. Domingos de Rana Municipal Library.
In the final stretch of the year, I published the first book of prose that I illustrated solo, by Américo Dimas Netto, titled Contos de Sabedoria / Tales of Wisdom, which was presented at Montijo's Municipal Gallery, where my original drawings were shown. At the same time, I also completed the first children's book that I've illustrated, but that's history for another time...
New creative adventures are already looming in January, such as the 2nd module of Bordalo Pinheiro Comics Course, for which I was invited to direct by coordinator Penim Loureiro and director Dr. João Botelho, plus the launch of an authorial production for the publishing house Apenas Livros.
For more news about these and other creations, follow me here or on the social networks Facebook and Instagram.
In the final stretch of the year, I published the first book of prose that I illustrated solo, by Américo Dimas Netto, titled Contos de Sabedoria / Tales of Wisdom, which was presented at Montijo's Municipal Gallery, where my original drawings were shown. At the same time, I also completed the first children's book that I've illustrated, but that's history for another time...
New creative adventures are already looming in January, such as the 2nd module of Bordalo Pinheiro Comics Course, for which I was invited to direct by coordinator Penim Loureiro and director Dr. João Botelho, plus the launch of an authorial production for the publishing house Apenas Livros.
For more news about these and other creations, follow me here or on the social networks Facebook and Instagram.
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