blogue TágideBD
o mês de Dezembro a destaques às obras curtas em banda desenhada
incluídas no álbum BD Montijo: Iniciação à Arte Sequencial – Antologia I, da
Câmara Municipal de Montijo, alusivo aos cursos que coordenei entre
2018 e 2020.
Com 45 formandos no total (lotação esgotada!), os três cursos formaram 30 alunos, dos quais 20 concluíram o projecto final de criação de BDs, que a antologia compilou e que estiveram expostas na Casa Mora – Museu Municipal de Montijo. Entre estes, encontramos (do 1º curso) António Coelho, Filipe Duarte, Maria João Claré, Mário André, Patrícia Costa, Rui Serra e Moura, Shania Santos, Tiago Martins, (do 2º curso) João Mateus, Lucas de Sousa, Tatiana Ferreira, e (do 3º curso) Alexandre Silva, Beatriz Fernandes, Filipa Lopes, João Gabriel Coelho, João Pedro Marques, Jorge Rodrigues, José Bandeira, Rafael Marquês e Yves Darbos; dos quais 14 autores foram estreantes absolutos, e outros, com experiência no mercado, reciclaram conhecimentos, e há ainda que salientar que 5 alunos vieram a vencer concursos na sequência do curso e/ou a iniciar percurso editorial no mercado de BD português!
Complementar aos cursos, os módulos de atelier convidaram para colóquios os artistas profissionais e formadores Penim Loureiro – escritor do pósfacio do volume –, Paulo Monteiro e Pedro Vieira Moura, a par do autor Daniel Maia, na função de formador-assistente – escritor do levantamento histórico sobre banda desenhada no Montijo.
não teve acesso ao volume ou visitou a exposição, pode assim ficar
a conhecer as BDs feitas pelos formandos.
Pela minha
parte, foi um enorme desafio e prazer coordenar estes projectos, e um
grande orgulho ver o resultado dos trabalhos destes novos talentos.
The TágideBD blog dedicated the month of December to highlights of the short works in comics included in the album BD Montijo: Initiation to Sequential Art – Anthology I, by the Municipality of Montijo, allusive to the courses I coordinated between 2018 and 2020.
With 45 trainees in total (sold out!), the three courses trained 30 students, of which 20 completed the final project to create comics, which the anthology compiled and which were exhibited at Casa Mora – Museu Municipal de Montijo. Among these, we find (from the 1st course) António Coelho, Filipe Duarte, Maria João Claré, Mário André, Patrícia Costa, Rui Serra e Moura, Shania Santos, Tiago Martins, (from the 2nd course) João Mateus, Lucas de Sousa, Tatiana Ferreira , and (from the 3rd course) Alexandre Silva, Beatriz Fernandes, Filipa Lopes, João Gabriel Coelho, João Pedro Marques, Jorge Rodrigues, José Bandeira, Rafael Marquês and Yves Darbos; of which 14 authors were complete newcomers, and others, with experience in the market, recycled knowledge, and it should also be noted that 5 students won competitions following the course and/or starting an editorial career in the Portuguese comics market!
Alongside the courses, the atelier modules invited professional artists and trainers Penim Loureiro – writer of the volume’s postscript –, Paulo Monteiro and Pedro Vieira Moura, along with author Daniel Maia, in the role of assistant trainer – survey writer history of comics in Montijo.
Those who did not have access to the volume or visited the exhibition can thus get to know the comics made by the students.
For my part, it was a huge challenge and pleasure to coordinate these projects, and a great pride to see the result of the work of these new talents.
The TágideBD blog dedicated the month of December to highlights of the short works in comics included in the album BD Montijo: Initiation to Sequential Art – Anthology I, by the Municipality of Montijo, allusive to the courses I coordinated between 2018 and 2020.
With 45 trainees in total (sold out!), the three courses trained 30 students, of which 20 completed the final project to create comics, which the anthology compiled and which were exhibited at Casa Mora – Museu Municipal de Montijo. Among these, we find (from the 1st course) António Coelho, Filipe Duarte, Maria João Claré, Mário André, Patrícia Costa, Rui Serra e Moura, Shania Santos, Tiago Martins, (from the 2nd course) João Mateus, Lucas de Sousa, Tatiana Ferreira , and (from the 3rd course) Alexandre Silva, Beatriz Fernandes, Filipa Lopes, João Gabriel Coelho, João Pedro Marques, Jorge Rodrigues, José Bandeira, Rafael Marquês and Yves Darbos; of which 14 authors were complete newcomers, and others, with experience in the market, recycled knowledge, and it should also be noted that 5 students won competitions following the course and/or starting an editorial career in the Portuguese comics market!
Alongside the courses, the atelier modules invited professional artists and trainers Penim Loureiro – writer of the volume’s postscript –, Paulo Monteiro and Pedro Vieira Moura, along with author Daniel Maia, in the role of assistant trainer – survey writer history of comics in Montijo.
Those who did not have access to the volume or visited the exhibition can thus get to know the comics made by the students.
For my part, it was a huge challenge and pleasure to coordinate these projects, and a great pride to see the result of the work of these new talents.
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