Decorreu há mês e meio o 35º Amadora BD, o principal festival de banda desenhada de Portugal e o que concentra mais público e talentos. Este ano marquei presença com a apresentação do comic Eduardo Lourenço: Ficção de Si - Intro, que colori e paginei.
Além do lançamento, que feliz ou infelizmente esgotou a limitada tiragem naquele dia, ainda participei na sessão de autógrafos, acompanhando os escritores Diogo Figueira e Sabrina D. Marques, e o artista Daniel Maia.
The 35th Amadora BD took place a month and a half ago, which is the main comics festival in Portugal and the one with the largest audience and talents. This year I attended with the presentation of the comic Eduardo Lourenço: Ficção de Si - Intro, which I colored and also book designed.
In addition to the release, which fortunately or unfortunately sold out it's limited print run that day, I also participated in the autographs session, alongside writers Diogo Figueira and Sabrina D. Marques, and artist Daniel Maia.
In addition to the release, which fortunately or unfortunately sold out it's limited print run that day, I also participated in the autographs session, alongside writers Diogo Figueira and Sabrina D. Marques, and artist Daniel Maia.